April 10, 2024

The Benefits of Remanufacturing During an Economic Downturn

As Canada’s economy continues to struggle and the cost of goods and services ever rising, companies may be wondering if repairing or remanufacturing their current equipment […]
June 7, 2016

Five Reasons to Use a Job Shop for Your Manufacturing Needs

Sometimes it just makes economic and common sense for a manufacturer to contract out their manufacturing needs to a job shop. Machine job shops focus on […]
May 13, 2016

Machine Shops need to Embrace Change in Today’s Economy

The winds of change are blowing hard in Alberta, but the good news is change is never bad so we might as well embrace it. Change […]
August 20, 2015

Trido Industries Solar-Powered Compressor

ABOUT Trido Industries provides reliable solutions for a cleaner future in the Oil & Gas industries by developing and selling zero vent technologies.  The company wanted […]